Kellogg Healthcare Alumni Directory

The directory is designed to connect alumni who share similar interests in the healthcare industry.

  • Being part of the Kellogg family is a lifelong relationship, a value proposition that only strengthens with time.
  • This directory provides a new, organized way for thousands of healthcare alumni to engage with each other.
  • Search by person, company, location, Kellogg program and graduation year.

Please note the directory is only available to verified Kellogg Alumni with one of the following membership levels: 

-    Complimentary Membership 
-    Supporting Membership 

Profiles have been pre-populated with Kellogg Alumni data, but your contact information will only be shared if you give your permission. Users are responsible for the accuracy of their information and encouraged to update their profile as often as necessary. The network will not be used for any form of solicitation. We reserve the right to remove or exclude any users who violate this policy.